Love this app. Always been one of my faves. The way the app is set up,is awesome too.
Love this app. Always been one of my faves. The way the app is set up,is awesome too.
Thank you for this app Please support notifications on ipad and mute Arabic words
Ive tried re-installing, EVERYTHING and the darned thing simply wont connect to Facebook. But when I re-download that pitiful ad version of Tweetcaster it connects to Facebook. I want my pro and I want it connecting to Facebook. Release a new update fixing this! Furious
FINAL UPDATE: No customer support, few updates, horrible work for an EXPENSIVE app. Dont bother wasting money, the free one is where its at. Update #2: customer support is nonexistent which is unsat for a paid app. Update app or start issuing refunds. Update: reduced star to one instead of two. This has taken the top spot for worst app purchase ever. Needs major updating and improvements before I change rating. Especially for a paid app. AN EXPENSIVE APP, to boot! For the cost, this app is not worth it. If it were free? Ok, it would be fine but for a few bucks this thing needs a lot of work. How come my browser wont go to landscape? How come my browser always asks me to open the Twitter app? How come for so much money this app has so many glitches? When I pull down to read previous tweets that have been responded too I get the next tweet in my feed, not the next tweet in conversation. Its too easy to switch between tweets while looking at one tweet at a time. Honestly, I wish I could get my money back. I dont have lot of money to begin with. When I do purchase something I expect it to work great and as advertised....this does not! I finally broke down and paid for the real app to get rid of all the dang advertisements. I have gone to the browser 4 times and all 4 times the entire app has crashed. Same as free version? I dont think so! Not impressed.
I have used this app on every device I have and I love it! I love the twitlonger feature esp. Because I tend to be a talker! LOL
This WAS the best Twitter App until a red banner started showing up at the bottom of the page saying "Sorry that page does not exist" I know that most Apps have bugs, so this problem isnt the reason for my negative review. My review is because Ive sent messages with screenshots and they havent acknowledged the problem. NOTE: If they respond to me, acknowledge, or fix the problem, I will update my review
Thanks this app of been able to find things out!!
Love this app
I prefer this app b/c no advertisements or "while you were away". Would like to see quote tweet feature and surveys added. Would also like to be able to see quoted tweets in the timeline so I dont have to go to another screen to see the quoted tweet. Paid $5 so get it up to date!
This is a great app for Twitter. Easy to use and keep track of everything. Works great on all my devices including iPad pro.
I enjoy tweetcaster because of the themes. I would enjoy it more & rate it 5 stars if only I could refresh without having to shake it or scroll all the way up and another thing would be an option to tweet while Im on my profile page.
With the recent update, the menu that comes up when you want to add a photo to a tweet is covered by the keyboard. It normally would disappear at the bottom of the screen. Because it doesnt I cant select a photo from my camera roll! This was not a problem in the past. I have an iPhone 6. Surely you wouldve found this bug before releasing a new update. Is it on my end?
Update since last review: No longer crashes but now I cant "Close" a tweet Ive decided against posting unless I first delete all the text. Buggy again in a new way. This was my favorite Twitter app, but suddenly it just crashes when I try to post. Pretty darned useless if you cant post.
Please update this mess. Thanks.
If I dont view my stream for a while, I have to SCROLL they hundreds of tweets to get to the top! #fail
The maker refuses to update with a patch it seems when a panel pops up when more characters are written in reply or tweeting within the timeline the writer is given multiple choices and to choose one either post with twitlonger or break it down I use the iphone 5 that panel that pops up for me to choose an action before I post shows barely on my screen there is NO WAY TO CHOOSE thus freezing my action forcing a cancellation of a reply or a post the action panel is NOT at eyeball level and cannot be moved or clicked on .
The inability to upload your own photos. Well if its the last photo taken then ok you can do it, otherwise, you cant because the "available" options are behind the keyboard. If this isnt resolved soon then this app is not worth downloading so spare your phone of a worthless app. If you have the app like I do then Im sure youre seriously considering deleting the app. Also, it freezes up way more than the free version. A few options are removed from the settings menu which is dumb because when you rec an error, the fix it gives you does not apply, isnt available. Clearly this version was not thoroughly tested before implementing. A real "failure to launch" app.
One of the best clients for Twitter.
I have been waiting for an update to add the "like" button. I havent seen it.
This app has very few useful features, and what it has are hard to find and use. Also, the graphics are surprisingly ugly, for an iPhone app.