FINAL UPDATE: No customer support, few updates, horrible work for an EXPENSIVE app.
Dont bother wasting money, the free one is where its at.
Update #2: customer support is nonexistent which is unsat for a paid app. Update app or start issuing refunds.
Update: reduced star to one instead of two. This has taken the top spot for worst app purchase ever. Needs major updating and improvements before I change rating. Especially for a paid app. AN EXPENSIVE APP, to boot!
For the cost, this app is not worth it. If it were free? Ok, it would be fine but for a few bucks this thing needs a lot of work. How come my browser wont go to landscape? How come my browser always asks me to open the Twitter app? How come for so much money this app has so many glitches?
When I pull down to read previous tweets that have been responded too I get the next tweet in my feed, not the next tweet in conversation. Its too easy to switch between tweets while looking at one tweet at a time.
Honestly, I wish I could get my money back. I dont have lot of money to begin with. When I do purchase something I expect it to work great and as advertised....this does not!
I finally broke down and paid for the real app to get rid of all the dang advertisements. I have gone to the browser 4 times and all 4 times the entire app has crashed. Same as free version? I dont think so! Not impressed.
Josh101prf about TweetCaster Pro for Twitter