There is a problem with app. When I try to block user program crashes.
There is a problem with app. When I try to block user program crashes.
Upon installation "automagically" follows dev. Spent 10 minutes trying to unfollow, no luck. Native Twitter app has much better and cleaner interface! And this app was a total waste of $5.
Cant make it connect to FB. After pressing "login" gets to FB then, gets kicked back to "login" screen.
Безупречный и быстрый клиент twitter.
the best twitter app. has the ability to post tweet to facebook.
There is small problem. The in-app browser dont keep logins/passwords and dont support "dont exit" in visiting sites. Also, please, return support of instagram in the timeline
As a plus I can say that these guys have awesome Customer Service and all problems could be solved really fast. I love the app. Even despite the fact that there is no push notifications and minor issues with cache.
Good quality app. None of the annoying commercial advertisement. Easy to use, quick photo viewing.
Miglior client mai provato.
Non capisco perchè non venga ottimizzato per iPhone 6/6 Plus.
As title, impossible to use with iPhone 6plus: bigger font, low quality...
Now there is a huge flaw where I cannot even tweet pictures. The keyboard covers the the options to click "choose from gallery" . There is no way to lower the keyboard so that i can click the options. Also, the new twitter has a like button, which this app still have the favorite. When people tweet polls, I cannot vote or even see the poll. The gifs dont work on this app, I have to go to the other twitter app in order to see them. It just seems that the developer quit on updating this app.
Love it because I can start reading tweets where I left off. Have used it for years...BUT the inability to re-tweet with comments and upload only the last picture has become a pain and I wont be staying with this if it doesnt change.
please fix!!! This is taking way to long!!!
This was my favorite Twitter app and then their last update like 18 months ago screwed it up so bad I hate it. No support whatsoever and whomever runs their Twitter acc is a snarky idiot no help there either
Theres lot to like with this app--stable and fast loading, fhandles video photos--multiple accounts. The challenges? No clearly identified scroll top button and it sometimes hangs while scrolling.
Really disappointed in this product...supposed to be ad free, its not; keyboard is whack, doesnt disappear, cant add gifs...I tried to contact customer service and the darn link didnt work #fail
Its been almost a year since the update, some improvements are needed. Ive been using this app since 2012 faithfully and would love to continue using it if changes are made. First of all, when trying to add a picture to a tweet the text keyboard is blocking the picture options to choose from. Second, it would be nice to see and vote on the polls that the official Twitter app uses. Third, other basic functionalities that the other reviewers have mentioned; just dont give up on the app because tweeters like myself really have enjoyed and would love to continue enjoy using the app... Thanks in Advance!
I wish I had the ability to write longer tweets as I can do on the Twitter App. Otherwise I would use this app all the time. I love the nearby tweets, that is an awesome feature. Allow for longer tweets!
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." The core truth of this maxim underscores this dev. Shaky during the PalmOS heyday, Handmark blithely ignores repeated user requests. The lack of attention eventually leads to an unusable app. Same as before. Lesson learned. Avoid!